Sunday, December 30, 2007

Good Intentions...

I haven't posted in this blog for quite some time. And there is a very good reason. I've been off trying to start a Rock 'N' Roll band. This means my career as a screenwriter must suffer. At least for the time being. But while I'm off trying to be Johnny Ramone, that doesn't mean I haven't seen any good movies. And It's my favorite time of the year. Oscar season!

Just got back from seeing Juno. Great movie! Probably this years Little Miss Sunshine breakaway hit. I expect to see at least a few awards come this movie's way. I'm looking forward to Atonement (when my Hell-forsaken city decides to show it!) and There Will Be Blood (Ditto!).

I saw No Country For Old Men. Great movie up until the ending. I felt it was anti-climactic and vague. It could have been that I was just tired and exhausted that I zoned out during long patches of dialogue, but it was intriguing enough to warrant a second viewing to understand what I missed the first time. Best picture of the year? That's a tough one. But here are my pics for my top 5 movies of 2007

1) Smokin' Aces - One of the few movies that blew me away.
2) Death Proof - I'm a Tarantino fan. I was going to like it anyways.
3) Shoot 'Em Up - Cheesy and Predictable in all the right ways.
4) Alpha Dog - Early favorite that stuck in my head all year.
5) The Lookout - Joseph Gordon Levitt is the new indie poster boy.

Honorable Mention: Bourne Ultimatum, Shooter, Once, Into The Wild, Breach, 1408, Disturbia, Across The Universe, Number 23, Mr. Brooks, Ocean's 13.

All in all, it was good year for Neo-Noir and Crime movies.

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