Saturday, May 3, 2008

Expelled - Part 2

It's been about two weeks and this movie is still in my mind. I really hadn't given much thought to the whole ID thing before this. It's been pretty much a given in my mind growing up in the church. But since, as one might say, I've lost my faith, I'm more open to these hard topics of discussion. More so, than most of my friends. Most people have pretty much made up their minds as they spout off the same old arguments. I, on the other hand, have always considered myself a sponge, willing to soak up anything out there and let it digest in my brain. I have no hard concrete facts that determine my existence. I always adhere to the conflict-is-better philosophy, which is why I am puzzled by my friends lack of willingness to discuss the issue.

One friend I approached about the movie to explain the theme of the movie, stopped dead in his tracks and said, ID has no place in science. I was really taken back by his stone cold response. You mean, you're not even up for the possibility of discussion? I walked away a bit upset. First, because I espouse to the theory that all points of interest should be open for debate, whatever they might be. And second, because I use these opportunities to perfect my craft of storytelling. By that I mean, If I can outline a movie and what it's about without giving away the ending, and they still want to see it, I've succeeded in pitching that movie to them. I never even got that far with this friend.

The next friend I chose was the opposite extreme, a religious conservative with all the answers in the world. When I told him that I felt like the flaw of the movie was connecting Darwinism to Hitler and the Nazis, I discovered this is what he totally believes. I should have expected this, but somehow, it was too proposterous of a claim for even him to believe. Turns out not only does he believe this, but in our discussion, he believes in aliens that existed thousand of years ago and that they still exist out there, planning on striking again. He has it all figured out and with biblical proof to back it up. This kind of stretches my definition of conservative but...okay.

After pondering this for awhile, and dealing with why ID is not a open topic of discussion with scientists, I finally realized it. I am not a scientist. I am a philosopher. The God question will always be an open topic. let science explain how the world turns and give me faster technology. I'll probe the deepest darkest secrets that science won't touch without them.

I did have a point that related to screenwriting, but for the life of me, I can not remember what it was. Instead of making some bull shit point how we as screenwriters play god, I'll leave it at that. That's what I get for waiting to write these blogs instead of when inspiration hits. But it's my belief that if you can't remember it the next day, It probably wasn't that good enough to begin with.

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