Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hello World Of Screenwriting Blogs

I've decided to join the world of screenwriting blogs. For my first post, I realized I didn't have that much to say. I've got a few ideas I'd like to share with you but I'll save them for another day.

I should probably start with a little bit about myself. I live in Michigan and have been studying screenwriting for a couple of years. I'm 33 years old and I am determined to make a career out of my passion for movies. My education isn't NYU or USC Film School, but rather my education began when I sold a lot of my CD's on ebay (I'm also a music fan) and used the money to buy every screenwriting book I can get my hands on. In essence, I'm getting my screenwriting education at a fraction of the cost. I've bought over 88 books, most of them for under five bucks. Later, I hope to review some of these books for you to let you know how helpful they might have be.

I realize reading a couple of books doesn't make you a screenwriter. But isn't it all really just theory. Like football - it's just a ball and field. Everything else is theory. That's why I've called my blog Philosophy Of Screenwriting. To me, it's all a bunch of rules I need to learn and dissect. To learn their importance. If I can figure out why to do something, I can figure out how to do it better. And, if need be, how to break them.

So far, I've written three screenplays and do not consider myself anything but amateur. Maybe even Lower than an amateur. I recently entered my first screenplay contest. If anything comes of it I'll let you know. But just disciplining myself enough preparing to enter was a tremendous learning experience about myself. And I'd like to share that with you also.

Other plans of mind include actually moving out to California in the near future. I don't plan on moving to Los Angeles until I'm invited, but I recently have received an opportunity to move to San Diego that I'm preparing for. That will put me two hours outside of Los Angeles.

Well, that's all for now. Breathless in on the Sundance Channel and I'm looking forward to watching it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Scribosphere and thanks for the link. I've linked back to you so hopefully, that will get you going with a few readers...

Good luck!
