Monday, January 19, 2009

#10 The Third Man - Film Noir is one of my favorite genres (if you believe that it is even a genre) and The Third Man is one of the best in that genre. Why I haven't bought it yet, I don't know. I watched it as part of the Existentialism class. I'm beginning to see much more clearly the problem of ethics and how it relates to different characters. And how different people can be on different levels ethically and not be judged as so. The female's devotion to the criminal of the movie proves she is operating on a higher ethical level than the hero who must turn in his best friend, because it's the right thing to do. Watch the movie or go study existentialism.

#11 Last Chance Harvey - Not too many movies that I see I can actually say I'm disappointed in, but I was disappointed in this one. It's supposed to be a strong performance by Dustin Hoffman, but based on previous work, this movie really doesn't come close. They glossed over the love affair between Hoffman and Thompson, as if we the audience will buy that these two are meant for each other with only a montage sequence. I would have much preferred if we had been able to see the attraction in real time. And I also didn't buy that Hoffman was as bad off as he thinks. It was Thompson who became the real hero of this film overcoming a far more believable loneliness.

#12 Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains - If I wasn't a wanna-be philosopher and amateur screenwriter, the thing I would most want to be is playing bass in a punk rock band. With that said, I have a soft side for punk rock movies. I'm even willing to sit through poorly made films like this one. Only watch this film if you're interested in watching Dianne Lane, Laura Dern or Ray Winstone's early work.

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